
Research Proposal Inquiries

Applications for research project grants are not being accepted at this time.

Indirect costs (facilities and administration costs) are not allowed in grants.


The Heffter New Investigator Program of research and travel grants are not being accepted at this time, but will resume in the near future.

This program was initiated to foster the careers of graduate students and scientists entering the psychedelic field.  To qualify, an investigator must be at or below the level of an Assistant Professor and have not been awarded a major research grant equivalent to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 Award.  Exceptions to these criteria will be considered for investigators transitioning from other research areas to psychedelic research.

To apply for a research or training grant of up to $150,000, send a brief precis covering the following points:

  • Project Title
  • Type of Award (Training Award / Research Grant)
  • Principal Investigator name and email
  • Mentor (Pre- / Post-Doctoral award)
  • Institution
  • Primary Scientific Question and Hypothesis
  • Approach (Species, Compounds, Measures)
  • Training Goals (Pre- / Post-Doctoral award)
  • Estimated budget and duration

Submit applications electronically as a single PDF file with the subject line “New Investigator Research Award” to:  Applications for research grants will be evaluated on scientific merit and availability of funds.

To apply for a travel grant of up to $1500 to present data-based studies or posters of classic psychedelic drugs at scientific conferences, submit the following materials at least 6 weeks in advance of the conference.

  • Application letter (1 page) with current position, contact information, name of conference, and title of presentation
  • Presentation abstract and notice of acceptance
  • C.V.
  • Budget with estimated itemized costs including availability of travel support from other sources
  • Letter of support (1 page) from supervisor (trainees) or department chair (independent investigators)

Submit applications electronically as a single PDF file with the subject line “Heffter Travel Award” to:  Applications for travel grants will be evaluated on scientific merit, financial need, and availability of funds