The continuing study at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine on psilocybin and its potential in the treatment of anxiety and depression in those facing life threatening cancer is the topic in the journal Psychopharmacology .
Also take note of an observation made by “Jerome Jaffe, M.D., of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, who served as the first White House and has also been a consultant to the World Health Organization on drug issues.” The Hopkins psilocybin studies clearly demonstrate that this route to the mystical is not to be walked alone. But they have also demonstrated significant and lasting benefits. That raises two questions: Could psilocybin-occasioned experiences prove therapeutically useful, for example in dealing with the psychological distress experienced by some terminal patients? And should properly-informed citizens, not in distress, be allowed to receive psilocybin for its possible spiritual benefits, as we now allow them to pursue other possibly risky activities such as cosmetic surgery and mountain-climbing
The Hopkins  study is on going and recruiting volunteers.