16 Dec Heffter Research Winter 2016 Newsletter

2016 has been a watershed year for the Heffter Research Institute and its programs! We believe that our work is contributing to what we hope will be a paradigm shift in the way that many psychiatric and addictive disorders are treated. We hope you enjoy reading about all of the great things we have accomplished this past year.
Johns Hopkins and NYU Studies of Psilocybin for Anxiety and Depression in Cancer Patients
Our big news is the publication of two Heffter-supported studies on psilocybin treatment of anxiety and depression in cancer patients at Johns Hopkins and NYU on December 1. You can access the free full-text articles by clicking on those links.
The story about these studies was widely covered by the media. For example, it was on the front page of the NY Times that day: A Dose of a Hallucinogen From a ‘Magic Mushroom,’ and Then Lasting Peace. An analysis of all the media reporting indicates that the studies were covered in at least 600 media outlets that collectively reach millions of readers and viewers.*
So psilocybin research is now virtually common knowledge. At the end of this letter is the latest list of weblinks to all the online stories we found that mention Heffter’s role in this research.